If you need to see a dentist for a dental emergency in Toronto, call us. Our Toronto dental clinic offers urgent and emergency dental care and we'll do our best to make room in our schedule to see you.
You don't have to be a patient to see us for a Dental Emergency in Toronto.
At Church Wellesley Dental Centre, our dentists can help repair your broken or chipped teeth in our downtown Toronto office.
Just give us a call and we will do our best to fit you into our schedule so a dentist can diagnose your issue and determine treatment options.
If you are experiencing a toothache, please give us a call. We will prioritize emergency and urgent appointments in order to help you get pain relief. If you are experiencing pain after hours, please call and leave a voice message and we can get back to you the following morning.
Until you can get to our office, try using an ice pack against your face over the affected tooth or talk to a pharmacist about over-the-counter pain remedies.